How we support you and your dog after adoption

Our support doesn't end the day you take your dog home. Find out how we can help you and your pooch post-adoption.

Red the puppy interacting with adopter in the garden, practicing how to sit with treats and playing with toys.

When you adopt from us, it’s the start of an exciting journey for you and your pooch. As you set out together, there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. You might worry about your dog barking at other dogs. Or need help to settle them at night, or with continuing their training.

Need a hand teaching your dog life skills?

Dog training advice 

Need help with common behaviour issues such as excessive barking, or separation-related behaviours? Want to help your pooch walk on a lead, or to come back when you call? Our dog advice section is full of guidance to help you and your adopted dog.

Training classes, tips & advice
Dog advice

Training classes, tips & advice

Educational events and workshops

Educational events and workshops

Life with your dog
Dog advice

Life with your dog

Health and wellbeing
Dog advice

Health and wellbeing

Understanding your dog
Training classes, tips & advice

Understanding your dog

Dog School

Dog School

Dog advice

For every dog, for every owner, we’re by your side every step of the walk. Our expert advice covers everything you need to know about owning a dog.

Dog school

Prevent problem behaviours from developing by checking out our Dog School classes. You’ll get expert advice and practical training to help you and your pooch understand one another better.

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