Sponsor a dog

It couldn't be easier to sponsor a dog in our care, or to gift a sponsorship to a friend or loved one.

Sponsor a dog with Dogs Trust

Why we need your support

  • Every week people are making the call to give up their dog.
  • While most dogs find a loving new home within a few weeks, some dogs need love and support for longer.
  • We rely on sponsorships to look after the 200+ dogs that can be in our care at any one time.

Your support can make the world of difference.

Puppy Playgroup

We need your puppy power! By sponsoring a dog in the puppy playgroup, you'll be providing specialist care for pups who have had a tough start in life.

Mystery dog

Sponsor a mystery dog and we'll match you with the dog most in need of your love.

How your sponsorship helps

Your sponsorship directly helps your chosen sponsor dog, and all the dogs in our care too. Your sponsorship money is used to:

  • Help run our rehoming centre
  • Heat our dog's kennels
  • Wash our dog's bed
  • Supply tasty treats
  • Provide fun enrichment toys
  • Support with vital training to help our dogs find their forever homes
  • Provide any medical care our dog may need.

Help our sponsor dogs find their forever homes.

sponsor a dog gift

Sponsor as a gift

For birthdays, Christmas or anniversaries, sponsoring a dog is the perfect gift for dog-lovers.

Rescue dog icon

What do sponsors receive?

Once you’re signed up, you’ll receive updates from your sponsor dog throughout the year – telling you about all the amazing things your support is helping to achieve. We’ll also send you a sponsorship pack, including a special photo certificate of your new bestie, photo postcards, a window sticker and a fridge magnet.  

How sponsorship works

It couldn't be easier to sponsor a dog in our care, or to gift a sponsorship to a friend or loved one.


Pick a dog to sponsor

Choose to sponsor our Puppy Playgroup or a Mystery Dog. By sponsoring our puppy playgroup, you'll be providing specialist care for pups who have had a tough start in life. By sponsoring a mystery dog, we'll match you with the dog most in need of your love.


Set up your sponsorship

Tell us how much you'd like to give and whether you want to gift the sponsorship to a loved one. For gift sponsorships we'll just need to know who to send doggy updates too.


Enjoy regular updates from your Sponsor Dog

You or your giftee will receive updates from your chosen sponsor dog throughout the year telling you about the amazing things your support is helping to achieve.


What is my sponsorship money used for?

Your sponsorship contributions are used to help your sponsor dog and all the dogs in our care. We can have over 200 …

Why can't all dogs be visited?

Some of the dogs in our care become very stressed by unfamiliar people and situations. To give these dogs the happy …

Will I be my dog's only sponsor?

Dogs Trust Sponsor a Dog is a co-sponsorship scheme with a number of fantastic dog lovers like you sponsoring each …

How often will I hear from my sponsor dog?

Your sponsor dog will send you regular updates; including at Christmas, Valentines Day, and again in the summertime! …

Will my dog send me a birthday card?

No, sponsor dogs don't send birthday cards but you will receive a Valentines card and a card at Christmas.

Can I sponsor a dog as a gift for someone else?

Yes. If signing up online, please register using your details first and then tick the 'Gift' box on the 'Selected …

What will happen if my sponsor dog is no longer available?

If your sponsor leaves our centre you will be informed and Dogs Trust will pick another dog who is also in need of …